Thank you and see you next year!

11th edition of Krakow Photomonth Festival organised by the Foundation for Visual Arts came to an end. FASHION was the main theme this year. The Main Programme, Experimental Section and ShowOFF Section exhibitiona along with numerous Accompanyng Events are all behind us now...
Already behind us is the 11th edition of Krakow Photomonth Festival organised by the Foundation for Visual Arts. FASHION was the main theme this year. The Main Programme, Experimental Section and ShowOFF Section exhibitiona along with numerous Accompanyng Events are all behind us now...
FASHION, perceved in a way often surprising to our public and an inspiration to the experts in the field became the main axis for this year's Festival. The 10 Main Programme exhibits, The Limits of Fashion – central presentation at Bunkier Sztuki, vital to the understanding of the definition of FASHION as seen this year, included – the Experimental Section (published in the form of Maj Magazine!) and the ten exhibits of ShowOFF Section attracted – oh joy! – a record number of audience.
For the whole Month there were various Accompanying Events: workshops, debates, a new Masters Series meetings, VIII Portfolio Review and open air SlideNite screenings, among others a presentation of the honoured and winners of the first edition of International Competition. This year we also realised the wide set of workshops inspired by the exhibitions of the Main Programme realised especially for the youngest Photomonth enthusiasts.
The 11th edition of Krakow Photomonth formally finished on 16 June, however the Festival is still going strong due to the Experiemtal Section, Maj Magazine – based on the cult Ty i ja, fresh, offbeat, drawing from the sense of humour, sensitivity and bravery of the original. The exhibit, experimental both in form and in content, consists of texts, illustrations, visual essays and photo shoots, resultis of the intense co-operation of a collective of artists, journalists, photographers and illustrators. You may still buy the unique issue of Maj Magazine in the on-line shop of the Foundation for Visual Arts and in crefully chosen points in Kraków and Poland.
Also do pay attention to this year's Festival publications: the beautiful Catalogue, a rich compendium on fashion photography and new additions to the ShowOFF artbooks series.
ATTENTION! Up until 1 September you may visit the Vanity. Fashion Photography from the F.C. Gundlach Collection at the National Museum in Krakow!
The Krakow Photomonth Festival 2013, organised by Foundation for Visual Arts, is co-funded by the European Regional Development Fund under the Malopolska Regional Operational Programme for 2007–2013, and grants from the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage, the Municipality of Krakow, and the Malopolska Region.
The Soponsors of the 11th edition of Krakow Photomonth Festival are Angel Wawel and Wiśniowski Company.
2013 Krakow Photomonth Festival Media Patrons: Trójka Polish Radio, TVP2, Gazeta Wyborcza, Onet, Tygodnik Powszechny, Przekrój, VIVA!moda,, Kwartalnik Fotografia, Digital Camera Polska, MaleMan, Aktivist, EXKLUSIV, K MAG, Krakó, KARNET, Magiczny Kraków,