Stage lecture: Sebastian Cichocki & Łukasz Jastrubczak
pl. Szczepański 3a Krakow
Fri.- 18:00

On Monday 1 July 1968, Sol LeWitt sent a postcard from Bergeijk in Holland to the address of his friends Bob and Nancy Smithson: “Have returned to Holland after 5 days in Kassel. Documenta is big mess. If the workers don’t destroy the work, the students will. I have decided to bury my cube under Visser’s house (they are having some construction done now and live in a Rietveld designed house). I will bury it this PM. It is a stainless steel box and contains a work of art chosen by Mia Visser.” The lecture is a reconstruction of the events of 46 years ago, an attempt to get to the middle of the steel box (“invisible but known” as LeWitt commented) buried under Mia and Carel Visser’s house, designed in the 1950s by Gerrit Rietveld.