Krakow Photomonth Festival – 2nd weekend

Among many possibilities we have, i.e.:
FRIDAY, 24 May
– 5 p.m. – two-day, bilingual (pl/en) Academy of Photography workshop on Contemporary Fashion („BARON MAGAZINE”), and as such: a presentation of the magazine and a discussion on the directions of the magazine, a debate in the ”Contemporary fashion” at the moment and a photo shoot.
– 9 p.m. – open air SlideNite screening – Polish Documentary Photography. The spaces by the Vistula will become a forum for discussion about Polish documentary photography. Let’s look for more in these photos than we do every day! Don't worry, in case of bad weather we will get inside FORUM Przestrzenie for the screening!
– at noon at Bunkier Sztuki CLOUDMINE POP UP SHOP – a two-day boutique featuring the collcections by Polish designers which you may see (and buy!) by Ania Kuczyńska, Marios, Delikatessen, Justyna Chrabelska, Natalia Siebuła, Domi Grzybek and many more. Free entrance based on the exhibition ticket.
– 1 p.m. (at Bunkier Sztuki as well) a curator's tour – through the Limits of Fashion Karolina Sulej, Editor in Chief of the Experimental Section Maj Magazin will lead. (a tour in Polish, ticket to the exhibition necessary);
– at 3.30 still at Bunkier Sztuki – workshops inspired by the Synchrodogs Crypsis exhibit for kids aged between 5 and 12. Free entrance, yet booking necessary: dzieciaki[at]
– at 6.00 p.m. at Manggha Museum the next of the Masters Series meetings: Zbigniew Libera. One of the most interesting Polish artists, working with photography, films, instalations, objects and drawings – in a very clear idea and scheme of activities. Meeting led by Witek Orski. Free entrance.
– at 9.00 p.m. – a second screening of the SlideNite cycle – competition finalists. Who won the Everything will become clear!
If the poor weather doesn't pass the screening will take place inside FORUM Przestrzenie.
Participants had the task of creating a short video piece from photos using any montage techniques and soundtrack. The Jury of the – Wojciech Bąkowski, Aneta Grzeszykowska, Karol Radziszewski – chose the most interesting entries, whittling them down to three winners.
SUNDAY, 26 May
– at 11.00 a.m. a second day of the CLOUDMINE POP UP SHOP will begin. Up until 6 p.m. you are free to roam around the best of Polish fashion design! Free entrance to the event based on a valid ticket to the Limits of Fashion exhibition;
– noon at Bunkier Sztuki: workshops inspired by the Limits of Fashion exhibition for kids aged 7–12. An hour-long meeting will focus on the creation of selfimage: dressing up, camouflage, masks and uniforms. ATTENTION: it will be great fun, childrens' clothes might get a little dirty...!
– at noon a Masters Series meeting with Marie Schuller in the space of the SHOWstudio/ Fashion film exhibition at Angel Wawel. The Masters Series meetings and presentations of visual materials (including film, as in this case) are an excellent opportunity for art enthusiasts to get to know renowned artists.
Marie Schuller is the Head of SHOWstudio’s fashion film department. She often creates a surreal atmosphere in her works. She has worked on films for important clients including Walter Van Beirendonck, Hermes and Marni.
(meeting in English, free entrance)
For more information see the Krakow Photomonth Festival 2013 schedule
The second weekend of Krakow Photomonth is the Krakow Photo Fringe weekend as well. Come and play: search for the map and then go to points: 2, 15, 24, 33 and 39 (where 39 is the Festival office at Bunkier Sztuki) – there you will get the instructions: go on and follow it. Free your imagination! Fringe on!
Due to Fringe this weekend will hold, i.e. a meeting with Bolesław Lutosławski (Saturday, 4 p.m., MOS) or Mateusz Sarełło and Michał Łuczak at the Academy of Photography (Saturday, 6 p.m.) and action by Karolina Grzywnowicz, gathering stories about the photographs which are not to be anymore... (Non-existent Photographs, Bunkier Sztuki, Saturday, 11.00 a.m.).
For more information on Krakow Photo Fringe please visit:,