It's begun!

The Long opening weekend of Krakow Photomonth Festival 2013 is over. See what, how and where during that incredible time – it will only get better, from now on we have the whole Month ahead of us!
It was an exciting weekend: openings of the Main Programme and ShowOFF Section exhibitions, meetings and tours with curators along with the first of the Masters Series meetings. Extraordinary exhibitions, enthusiastic crowds and fantastic Guests – we thank you all and do join us for more! Here is Krakow Photomonth Festival 2013 – take a look!
Fot.: Studio Luma
MOCAK Museum of Contemporary Art in Krakow
Starmach Gallery
Galeria New Roman
Bunkier Sztuki Contemporary Art Gallery
Seweryn Udziela Ethnographic Museum in Krakow
Angel Wawel, Koletek
National Museum in Krakow